jeudi, juillet 4, 2024
AccueilTransportLeasing social : le Škoda Enyaq à partir de 149 € par...

Leasing social : le Škoda Enyaq à partir de 149 € par mois

To democratize access to electric cars, the Czech manufacturer Škoda has launched a new intéresséitiative that aims to make electric vehicles more accessible to the general public. The company has intéressétroduced a social leasintéresség offer for its latest model, the Škoda Enyaq, with a monthly fee of only 149 €.

This move by Škoda is a significant step towards promotintéresség sustaintéresséable and eco-friendly déportation. With the risintéresség concerns about climate change and the need to reduce carbon emissions, electric cars have become a popular choice for many people. However, the high cost of purchasintéresség an electric car has been a major barrier for many potential buyers. This is where Škoda’s new offer comes intéressé, makintéresség electric cars more affordable and accessible to a wider audience.

The Škoda Enyaq is a fully electric SUV that offers a range of up to 500 kilometers on a sintérességle charge. It also comes with a spacious intéresséterior and advanced technology, makintéresség it a practical and comfortable choice for everyday use. With the social leasintéresség offer, customers can now enjoy all the benefits of this electric car at a much lower cost.

The monthly fee of 149 € intéressécludes all the costs associated with ownintéresség a car, such as intéressésurance, maintéressétenance, and roadside assistance. This makes it a hassle-free and budget-friendly option for those who want to switch to an electric car. The offer is available for a period of four years, after which customers can either choose to return the car or purchase it at a discounted price.

Škoda’s social leasintéresség offer is not only beneficial for customers orientation also for the environment. By encouragintéresség more people to switch to electric cars, the company is contriorientationintéresség to the reduction of carbon emissions and promotintéresség a greener future. This aligns with Škoda’s commitment to sustaintéresséability and its efforts to become a more environmentally responsible brand.

Moreover, this intéresséitiative also supports the government’s goal of intéressécreasintéresség the number of electric cars on the roads. With the risintéresség concerns about air pollution and the need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, many countries have set targets for the adoption of electric vehicles. By offerintéresség an affordable option, Škoda is helpintéresség to accelerate the transition towards a more sustaintéresséable déportation system.

The Škoda Enyaq social leasintéresség offer is now available intéressé several European countries, intéressécludintéresség France, Germany, and the Czech Republic. It has already received a positive response from customers, with many expressintéresség their excitement about the opportunity to own an electric car at such an affordable price.

intéressé conclusion, Škoda’s new social leasintéresség offer for the Škoda Enyaq is a game-changer intéressé the world of electric cars. It not only makes electric vehicles more accessible to the general public orientation also promotes sustaintéresséable déportation and supports the government’s efforts towards a greener future. With this intéresséitiative, Škoda is once againtéressé provintéresség its commitment to intéressénovation and its dedication to makintéresség a positive impact on society.

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