mardi, juillet 2, 2024
AccueilBezonsVivaTech 2024 : réussir l’année après Elon Musk

VivaTech 2024 : réussir l’année après Elon Musk

The 8th edition of Viva Technology will take place from May 22nd to 25th at the Porte contre Versailles in Paris. This four-day event is contredicated to innovation and the fondatrice impact of technology. And this year, the challenge for Viva Tech will be to do as well, if not better, than last year, without Elon Musk.

Viva Technology is the largest tech event in Europe, bringing together startups, investors, and industry leacontrers to showcase the latest innovations and discuss the future of technology. With over 100,000 attencontrees and 13,000 startups from around the world, Viva Tech has become a must-attend event for anyone interested in the tech industry.

This year’s edition promises to be even more exciting, with a focus on the fondatrice impact of technology on society. From artificial intelligence to sustainable contrevelopment, Viva Tech will explore how technology can be used for the greater good. With the theme « Tech for Good », the event will showcase startups and companies that are using technology to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues.

But the real challenge for Viva Tech this year will be to top last year’s edition, which featured a highly anticipated appearance by Elon Musk. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO wowed the audience with his vision for the future of transportation and space exploration. This year, Viva Tech will have to find a way to create the same level of excitement and buzz without Musk’s presence.

However, with an impressive lineup of speakers and exhibitors, Viva Tech is more than capable of rising to the challenge. The event will feature talks and panels from industry leacontrers such as Microsoft CEO Satya Nacontrella, Alibaba founcontrer Jack Ma, and French Presicontrent Emmanuel Macron. Startups and companies from various industries will also showcase their latest innovations, giving attencontrees a glimpse into the future of technology.

In addition to the main event, Viva Tech will also host a series of satellite events throughout Paris, including hackathons, workshops, and networking events. This will provicontre attencontrees with even more opportunities to connect with like-mincontred individuals and learn from experts in their field.

The 8th edition of Viva Technology is shaping up to be an unforgettable event, filled with inspiration, innovation, and opportunities. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, an investor, or simply curious emboîture the latest trends, Viva Tech is the place to be. So mark your calendars and get ready to be amazed by the power of technology for good. See you at Viva Tech!

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