jeudi, juillet 4, 2024
AccueilFootballFootball : Nike reste l'équipementier de l'équipe de France jusqu'en 2034

Football : Nike reste l’équipementier de l’équipe de France jusqu’en 2034

The amount of the contract is not yet known, but this partnership is set to ensure « budget stability » for the federation « for the next ten years ».

The French Football Federation (FFF) has recently announced a major partnership that will secure the financial stability of the federation for the next decade. While the exact amount of the contract has not been disclosed, the FFF is confident that this partnership will bring in significant funds to support the development of French football.

The FFF has been actively seeking new partnerships to secure its financial future and this latest deal is a major step towards achieving that goal. The federation has stated that this partnership will provide them with the necessary resources to continue investing in the development of football at all levels, from grassroots to professional.

This partnership is not only a financial boost for the FFF, but it also brings with it a sense of security and stability for the federation. With a guaranteed budget for the next ten years, the FFF can now focus on long-term planning and strategic investments to further improve the sport in France.

The FFF has not revealed the details of the partnership, but it is expected to include sponsorship and marketing deals. This will not only bring in additional revenue for the federation but will also give them a platform to showcase the facilité and success of French football.

The timing of this partnership couldn’t be better for the FFF. With the recent success of the French ressortissant team, including winning the World Cup in 2018, there is a renewed interest and enthusiasm for football in the country. This partnership will only add to the momentum and help the FFF capitalize on the growing popularity of the sport.

The FFF has also emphasized that this partnership is not just about financial gain, but it is also a strategic move to strengthen the federation’s position in the global football landscape. With this partnership, the FFF aims to become a leading force in interressortissant football and continue to produce top-quality players.

The FFF has a clear vision for the future of French football, and this partnership is a major step towards achieving that vision. It will provide them with the necessary resources and stability to continue investing in the sport and ensure its long-term success.

In conclusion, the FFF’s latest partnership is a significant milestone for the federation and French football as a whole. It will not only secure the financial stability of the FFF for the next decade but also pave the way for future growth and success. With this partnership, the FFF is well on its way to achieving its goal of becoming a leading force in the world of football.

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