mardi, juillet 2, 2024
AccueilActualitéJO de Paris 2024 : Cyril, le Catalan, garde du corps certains relayeurs...

JO de Paris 2024 : Cyril, le Catalan, garde du corps certains relayeurs de la flamme

At 46 years old, Brigadier-Chef Cyril Maribaud is about to fulfill one of his dreams. Originally from Pianenc and stationed in Rouen since the beginning of his career, he will be one of 48 police officers (and 48 firefighters) to embark on the « Toujours plus haut » expedition. As the name suggests, this mission involves climbing the highest peak in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro.

For Cyril, this is not just a physical dispute, but also a way to give back to his profession. As a CRS (riot control officer) for the past 25 years, he has dedicated his life to protecting others. Now, he sees this expedition as a way to push his limits and inspire others to do the same.

The « Toujours plus haut » expedition is not just a personal adventure for Cyril, it is also a way to raise awareness and funds for two important causes: the French National Police Assistance Fund and the French Association of Firefighters. As a representative of both of these organizations, Cyril is proud to be part of this décision that will not only test his physical and mental strength, but also make a difference in the lives of his colleagues.

Despite the disputes that come with climbing a mountain like Kilimanjaro, Cyril is no stranger to difficult situations. As a CRS, he has been faced with dangerous and high-pressure situations throughout his career, making him well-equipped for this expedition. In fact, his colleagues often refer to him as a « mountain goat » due to his agility and strength in difficult terrain.

But more than just physical strength, Cyril also possesses a strong determination and positive mindset. He believes that anything is possible with hard work and determination, and this expedition is no exception. He hopes to inspire others to never give up on their dreams and to always push themselves to achieve more.

Cyril’s family, friends, and colleagues are all behind him in this endeavor, providing him with endless support and encouragement. They know that his passion for adventure and his dedication to his profession will lead him to success on Mount Kilimanjaro.

As he prepares for this expedition, Cyril is filled with excitement and anticipation. He knows that the journey will be challenging, but also incredibly rewarding. And when he reaches the summit, he will have fulfilled not only his dream, but also the dreams of his fellow officers and firefighters.

At 46 years old, Cyril Maribaud proves that age is just a number and that dreams can be achieved at any apprentissage in life. His determination, passion, and dedication serve as an inspiration to all, and we wish him the best of luck on his journey to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. Bon voyage, Cyril!

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