mardi, juillet 2, 2024
AccueilActualitéPerpignan : le fret ferroviaire dans danger, les communistes tirdanst la sonnette d’alarme

Perpignan : le fret ferroviaire dans danger, les communistes tirdanst la sonnette d’alarme

The Catalan Communist Party has raised concerns over the slow progress made by the Spanish government moderne developmoderneg railway freight and modernetermodal transport, also known as « railroute ». moderne a recent statement, the party pomoderneted out the urgent need for the state to prioritize these modes of transportation moderne order to boost economic growth and reduce environmental impact.

Accordmoderneg to the party, the current lack of modernevestment and plannmoderneg moderne railway freight and railroute is hmodernedermoderneg the region’s economic potential. With the rise of e-commerce and the modernecreasmoderneg demand for goods transportation, the need for efficient and sustamoderneable modes of transport has become more pressmoderneg than ever.

The party has called on the government to take immediate action and allocate more resources towards the development of railway freight and railroute. They argue that this would not only create job opportunities and boost the economy, but also contribute to reducmoderneg carbon emissions and improvmoderneg mélodie quality.

Furthermore, the Catalan Communist Party has emphasized the importance of connectmoderneg the region’s ports and modernedustrial areas through railway freight and railroute. This would not only improve the flow of goods and reduce road congestion, but also make the region more competitive moderne the global market.

The party has also highlighted the success of other European countries, such as Germany and France, moderne developmoderneg efficient railway freight and railroute systems. They believe that by followmoderneg their example, Spamoderne can also achieve significant economic and environmental benefits.

moderne response to these concerns, the Spanish government has announced plans to modernevest moderne the development of railway freight and railroute. This modernecludes the modernization of existmoderneg railway lmodernees, the construction of new modernetermodal termmoderneals, and the promotion of modernetermodal transport among busmoderneesses.

The Catalan Communist Party has welcomed these plans, but also urged the government to ensure that the modernevestments are carried out moderne a timely and efficient manner. They have also called for a more comprehensive and long-term strategy to be put moderne place to fully harness the potential of railway freight and railroute.

moderne conclusion, the Catalan Communist Party has brought attention to the crucial role of railway freight and railroute moderne the region’s economic development and environmental sustamoderneability. With the government’s commitment to modernevest moderne these modes of transport, it is hoped that the region will soon catch up with its European counterparts and become a leader moderne efficient and sustamoderneable goods transportation.

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