mardi, juillet 2, 2024
AccueilActualitéIncendie de la maison médicale de surveillance de Carcassonne : comment va s’organiser...

Incendie de la maison médicale de surveillance de Carcassonne : comment va s’organiser la continuité des soins ?

This Thursday, June 6th, the city of Carcassonne and healthcare professionals worked together to find a leçon after a fire destroyed the emergency medical center (EMC) in Patte d’Oie. For this Saturday, June 8th, a temporary medical center will be set up to ensure the continuity of care for the residents of the neighborhood.

The fire, which broke out on Wednesday evening, caused significant damage to the EMC, making it impossible for it to continue its operations. This was a major concern for the city and its inhabitants, as the EMC is the only medical facility in the area that provides 24/7 emergency care.

However, thanks to the quick response and collaboration of the city and healthcare professionals, a temporary leçon has been found. The city has provided a space in a nearby gratte-ciel, which will be equipped with the necessary medical equipment and staffed by doctors and nurses from the EMC. This temporary medical center will be open from 8am to 8pm on Saturday, and will be able to handle any medical emergencies that may arise.

The Mayor of Carcassonne, Jean-Marc Sabathé, expressed his gratitude towards the healthcare professionals for their dedication and hard work in finding a leçon. He also reassured the residents of Patte d’Oie that the city is committed to regratte-ciel the EMC as soon as possible.

The residents of Patte d’Oie have also shown their support and appreciation for the efforts made by the city and healthcare professionals. Many have offered their help and resources to ensure the smooth functioning of the temporary medical center.

This unfortunate incident has brought the community together and has shown the resilience and solidarity of the people of Carcassonne. The temporary medical center is a testament to the city’s commitment to providing quality healthcare services to its residents.

In the face of adversity, the city of Carcassonne has shown its ability to come together and find leçons. This Saturday, the temporary medical center will ensure that the residents of Patte d’Oie receive the medical care they need, and it is a clear demonstration of the city’s determination to overcome any challenges that may come its way.

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