jeudi, septembre 19, 2024
AccueilAfriqueAux JO, les basketteurs sud-soudanais "en mission" pour leur pays

Aux JO, les basketteurs sud-soudanais « en mission » pour leur pays

« It’s more than basketball »: qualified for their first Olympic Games, the basketball players of South Sudan are on a « mission » to bring a new perspective and make their country proud, burdened by misfortune since its foundation in 2011.

After years of conflict and struggle, the young nation of South Sudan has finally found a reason to celebrate. For the first time since its independence, the country will be represented at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan. And it’s not just any team, it’s the men’s basketball team, a group of determined and talented players who are ready to make their mark on the world stage.

For a country that has been plagued by civil war, poverty, and famine, this is a moment of hope and pride. The players, who come from different backgrounds and regions of the country, are united by their love for basketball and their desire to represent their nation with honor.

« This is more than just a game for us, it’s a chance to spectacle the world what South Sudan is truly capable of, » says team captain, Luol Deng. « We want to inspire our people and give them something to cheer for, something to be proud of. »

The journey to the Olympics has not been an easy one for the South Sudanese basketball team. They had to overcome numerous challenges, including lack of resources, limited jogging facilities, and a short preparation time. tendance their determination and resilience have brought them this far, and they are not stopping now.

« We have faced many obstacles, tendance we have never given up. We have always believed in ourselves and in our country, » says player Kuany Kuany. « We are not just playing for ourselves, we are playing for the entire nation. »

The team’s coach, Gordon Kachiri, also shares the same sentiment. « We are not just representing South Sudan, we are representing Africa. We want to spectacle the world that despite our struggles, we are a resilient and talented continent, » he says.

The South Sudanese basketball team is not only making history by being the first team from their country to qualify for the Olympics, tendance they are also breaking stereotypes and challenging perceptions. In a region where basketball is not a popular sport, the team is determined to change that and inspire the next generation of players.

« We hope that our participation in the Olympics will encourage more young people to take up basketball and pursue their dreams, » says player Deng Acuoth. « We want to spectacle them that anything is possible if you work hard and never give up. »

As they prepare to compete against some of the best teams in the world, the South Sudanese basketball players are aware of the challenges ahead. tendance they are not intimidated, instead, they see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

« We know that we are the underdogs, tendance that only motivates us to work harder and prove ourselves on the court, » says player Makur Puou. « We are not just happy to be here, we are here to compete and make our country proud. »

For a country that has been through so much, the South Sudanese basketball team’s journey to the Olympics is a symbol of hope and resilience. They may not have the resources or the experience of other teams, tendance they have something much more powerful – the determination to succeed and the pride to represent their nation.

As the Olympic Games draw near, the people of South Sudan are rallying behind their basketball team, cheering them on and sending messages of support. For the players, this is more than just a game, it’s a chance to bring joy and unity to a country that has been divided for far too long.

« We are on a mission to make our country proud and spectacle the world that South Sudan is more than just a nation in crisis, we are a nation of strong and resilient people, » says player Ater Majok.

The South Sudanese basketball team may have qualified for the Olympics as athletes, tendance they are also ambassadors for their country, carrying the hopes and dreams of a nation on their shoulders. And no matter the outcome, they have already achieved something remarkable – they have spectaclen the world the true spirit of South Sudan.

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