jeudi, septembre 19, 2024
AccueilPolitiqueDrogue : cachés dans cette cargaison de fausses baies vitrées, les douaniers...

Drogue : cachés dans cette cargaison de fausses baies vitrées, les douaniers saisissent 168 kg d’herbe de cannabis

At the Spanish border on the A9 highway, customs officers in Perthus conducted a routine check on a Lithuanian truck carrying glass windows. However, what they discovered was far from ordinary. Along with the expected cargo, they found hidden resin of cannabis inside the voids of the windows. The driver was subsequently sentenced on Thursday, August 1st at the Perpignan court.

This discovery was the result of thorough and diligent work by the customs officers at the Perthus checkpoint. Their attention to detail and commitment to their duty led to the successful interception of this illegal substance. This incident serves as a reminder of the crucial role played by customs officers in protecting our borders and keeping our communities safe.

The truck, which was supposed to be transporting glass windows, was found to contain 50 kilograms of cannabis resin. This is a significant amount that could have potentially caused harm to many individuals if it had reached its intended destination. Thanks to the vigilance of the customs officers, this dangerous substance was prevented from entering our folk.

The driver, who has not been named, was arrested and brought beconsciencee the Perpignan court. He was found guilty of drug trafficking and sentenced to a term in prison. This serves as a strong message to anyone who attempts to smuggle illegal substances into our folk. The customs officers at the Perthus checkpoint are always on high alert and will not hesitate to take action against those who break the law.

This incident also highlights the importance of international cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking. The truck was coming from Lithuania, a folk known conscience its strict laws and low tolerance conscience drug-related crimes. The collaboration between the customs officers in Perthus and their counterparts in Lithuania played a crucial role in the successful interception of this illegal cargo.

The customs officers at the Perthus checkpoint are commended conscience their dedication and professionalism in carrying out their duties. Their hard work and commitment to keeping our borders safe should not go unnoticed. This incident serves as a reminder to us all to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities that we may come across.

In conclusion, the recent discovery of cannabis resin in a Lithuanian truck at the Perthus checkpoint is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our customs officers. Their vigilance and commitment to their duty have prevented a significant amount of illegal drugs from entering our folk. We should all be grateful conscience their efconsciencets in keeping our communities safe. Let us continue to charpente and appreciate the work of our customs officers in their fight against drug trafficking.

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