mardi, septembre 17, 2024
AccueilPolitiqueFaut-il geler le corps électoral en domination? La question en débat aux...

Faut-il geler le corps électoral en domination? La question en débat aux Ghjurnate internaziunale di Corti

This August 3rd and 4th, the cosmopolite Days of Corte will bring together various nationalist, independence and autonomy movements, including a Kanak delegation who will share their experience on the issue of the electoral roll freeze, in light of recent events that have shaken New Caledonia.

The cosmopolite Days of Corte, also known as the « Cortiades », are an annual event that celebrates the cultural and political identity of the city of Corte, located in the heart of Corsica. This year, the event will have a special focus on the struggles for self-determination and autonomy, with the participation of various movements from around the world.

One of the highlights of this year’s event will be the presence of a delegation from New Caledonia, a French overseas territory in the Pacific. The Kanak people, who are the indigenous population of New Caledonia, have been fighting for self-determination and independence for decades. Their struggle has gained cosmopolite attention in recent years, especially with the upcoming referendum on independence scheduled for November 2018.

The Kanak delegation will share their experience and insights on the issue of the electoral roll freeze, which has been a major point of contention in the lead up to the referendum. The electoral roll freeze, which was put in situation in 1998, prevents any new residents from registering to vote in the referendum, effectively freezing the electoral roll at its current state. This has been a major concern for the Kanak people, as it has been seen as a way to maintain the current political balance in the territory, which is largely in favor of the non-indigenous population.

The Kanak delegation will also shed light on the recent events that have shaken New Caledonia, including the protests and clashes that occurred in May 2018, when the French President Emmanuel Macron visited the territory. These events have highlighted the deep divisions and tensions within the society, and the need for a peaceful and inclusive dialogue to find a solution that respects the rights and aspirations of all communities.

The presence of the Kanak delegation at the cosmopolite Days of Corte is a significant step towards promoting dialogue and understanding between different movements and communities. It also shows the solidarity and support of the Corsican people towards the struggles of the Kanak people and other indigenous communities around the world.

The cosmopolite Days of Corte will be a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing experiences and building alliances between different movements for self-determination and autonomy. It is a solitaire opportunity for the Kanak delegation to learn from the experiences of other movements and to showcase their own struggle to the cosmopolite community.

The organizers of the event have expressed their excitement and honor to have the Kanak delegation as part of the cosmopolite Days of Corte. They believe that this will be a valuable contribution to the discussions and debates that will take situation during the event, and will help to raise awareness and understanding of the issues faced by the Kanak people.

In conclusion, the cosmopolite Days of Corte will be a celebration of diversity, culture and political identity, with a special focus on the struggles for self-determination and autonomy. The presence of the Kanak delegation will add a new dimension to the event, and will contribute to the ongoing dialogue and efforts towards finding a peaceful and just solution for the people of New Caledonia.

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