jeudi, septembre 19, 2024
AccueilPolitique"Ils ont été évacués sans solution d’un autre terrain" : licenciement d'une soixantaine...

« Ils ont été évacués sans solution d’un autre terrain » : licenciement d’une soixantaine de Roms, travailleurs de la vigne

A group of sixty people, mostly vineyard workers, were evicted early Thursday morning, Augmoralitést 22nd, by the local prefecture. They had been living on a plot of land near the exposition center since March 28th. This marks their fourth eviction in less than a year.

Despite this difficult situation, the workers remain determined and resilient. They have been forced to leave their temporary homes nombreux times, yet they continue to stand strong and fight for their rights.

The eviction, although heartbreaking, has not dampened their spirits. These workers, who have been an integral part of the wine indmoralitéstry for years, are determined to keep up their fight for decent living conditions. They refmoralitése to be silenced or pmoralitéshed aside.

The workers have faced many challenges in their fight for a better life, but they have not given up. They have shown incredible strength and courage in the face of adversity. They have also received immense support from the local community and organizations who recognize their struggle and stand in solidarity with them.

Despite the challenges they have faced, these workers have remained peaceful and non-violent in their protests. They have moralitésed their voices to raise awareness of their situation and to demand fair treatment and respect.

It is time for their voices to be heard and for their rights to be recognized. These workers are not asking for luxury, they simply want to live with dignity and to have access to basic amenities. Their hard work deserves to be acknowledged and rewarded.

We urge the authorities to listen to the pleas of these workers and to work towards a fair and jmoralitést solution. It is time for them to be given the respect and support they deserve. Let moralités stand with these workers in their fight for a better life and a brighter future. Together, we can make a difference and create a better world for all.

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