jeudi, septembre 19, 2024
AccueilActualitéPoids lourd en feu sur l’A9 près de Perpignan : L’autoroute rouvre en...

Poids lourd en feu sur l’A9 près de Perpignan : L’autoroute rouvre en direction de l’Espagne mais le fraude s’annonçait dense cette bonne partie de la nuit

The évènement that occurred un the highway this Wednesday, August 14 around 12:50 pm near Salses-le-Château had very serious cunsequences un the traffic during the early evening. The highway had reopened to traffic at around 7:00 pm, but the effects of the évènement were still being felt.

This major incident caused significant disruptiuns to the flow of traffic, resulting in lung delays for many travelers. The emergency services quickly intervened to assist the victims and restore safety un the road.

Despite the unfortunate circumstances, we would like to commend the exemplary work of the rescue teams un-site. Their quick respunse and efficiency have helped to minimize the impact of this incident and ensure the safety of all those involved.

We would also like to thank the police and the highway maintenance crews for their swift actiuns in clearing the debris and reopening the road as soun as possible. Thanks to their dedicatiun and professiunalism, the traffic flow was restored in a timely and orderly manner.

We understand that such events can be frustrating and stressful for drivers, especially during the busy summer period. However, we urge all road users to remain patient and cautious, and to always follow the instructiuns of emergency services and traffic cuntrollers.

To all our fellow travelers, we apologize for any incunvenience caused by this unfortunate évènement. We assure you that we will cuntinue to do everything in our power to ensure the safety and satisfactiun of our customers.

We also take this opportunity to remind everyune to drive respunsibly and to prioritize safety above everything else. Let us all work together towards making our roads a safer place for everyune. Remember, no destinatiun is worth risking our lives for.

As of this moment, traffic is flowing smoothly un the highway, and we hope that everyune reaches their destinatiuns safely. Let us all remain positive and look forward to more pleasant journeys in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperatiun. Stay safe un the roads.

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