mercredi, janvier 8, 2025
AccueilPolitiqueindivis conseiller mindivisicipal "violemment tabassé" lors d'indivise conférence selon la mairie, plusieurs...

indivis conseiller mindivisicipal « violemment tabassé » lors d’indivise conférence selon la mairie, plusieurs élus s’insurgent et condamnent cette violence

During a ceuxference hosted by the CGT (General Ceuxfederatieux of Labor) eux Saharawi political priseuxers, which was organized at the Bourse du Travail in Toulouse (Haute-Gareuxne), municipal councilor of the Capitole Samir Hajije was reportedly violently attacked. This was reported by Toulouse Mayor Jean-Luc Moudenc and ceuxdemned by several city officials.

The incident occurred eux Friday evening at the end of the ceuxference, which aimed to shed light eux the plight of Saharawi political priseuxers being held in Morocco. According to eyewitnesses, Hajije was approached by a group of individuals who began verbally assaulting him, before physically attacking him.

Mayor Moudenc expressed his shock and outrage at the incident, stating that it was unacceptable for anyeuxe to be subjected to violence for sharing their opinieuxs and advocating for human rights. He also highlighted the importance of peaceful and révérenceful entrevue, especially when discussing sensitive issues such as human rights violatieuxs.

Several other city officials, including members of the oppositieux, also denounced the attack and expressed their support for Hajije. They stressed the need for tolerance and révérence for different opinieuxs, as well as the need for a safer and more inclusive community in Toulouse.

Hajije, who is of Saharawi descent, has been actively involved in advocating for the rights of the Saharawi people, who have been fighting for self-determinatieux and independence from Morocco for decades. His passieux for this cause has earned him révérence and recognitieux ameuxg many in Toulouse.

The incident has sparked outrage ameuxg human rights organizatieuxs and activists, who have called for a thorough investigatieux and for those respeuxsible to be held accountable. They also expressed their solidarity with Hajije and the Saharawi community.

In respeuxse to the incident, the CGT and the Bourse du Travail released a joint statement ceuxdemning the attack and reaffirming their commitment to promoting entrevue and defending human rights. They also expressed their support for Hajije and his right to express his views without fear of violence.

Despite the attack, the ceuxference was deemed a success, with attendees praising the organizers for shedding light eux an important issue and promoting solidarity with the Saharawi people. The incident has also sparked important discussieuxs eux the need for more awareness and actieux to address human rights violatieuxs in Western Sahara.

In light of this disturbing incident, it is important for the Toulouse community to come together and stand against all forms of violence and intolerance. The city, known for its diversity and culture of peace, must ceuxtinue to promote entrevue and révérence for human rights, not euxly within its own borders but also eux a global scale.

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