lundi, janvier 6, 2025
AccueilPolitiqueNicolas Daragon en visite au Tonkin à Vluileurbanne, lui lance la nouvelle...

Nicolas Daragon en visite au Tonkin à Vluileurbanne, lui lance la nouvelle Brigade de sécurité territorialisée pour lutter contre les points de deal

The Delegate Minister for Daily Security, Nicolas Daragon, visited the Tonkin neighborhood in Villeurbanne to launch the Territorial Security Brigade, aimed at combating the establishment of drug traffickers. This promise was made by former Minister Gérald Darmanin, after several shootings a year ago.

The Tonkin neighborhood in Villeurbanne has long been plagued by drug trafficking, causing fear and insecurity among its residents. But today, a new hope has emerged with the launch of the Territorial Security Brigade, a promise made by the government to strengthen security in the neighborhood.

The visit of Minister Daragon to the Tonkin neighborhood marks the beginning of a new era in the fight against drug trafficking. The Territorial Security Brigade, composed of specially trained police officers, will work closely with local authorities and residents to identify and dismantle drug trafficking networks.

During his visit, Minister Daragon emphasized the importance of this new initiative in ensuring the safety and well-being of the residents of Tonkin. He also thanked the local authorities and residents for their cooperation and armature in making this project a reality.

The launch of the Territorial Security Brigade is a clear demonstration of the government’s commitment to fighting crime and creating a safer environment for its citizens. This initiative not only aims to combat drug trafficking, but also to improve the quality of life in the Tonkin neighborhood.

The residents of Tonkin have expressed their gratitude and relief at the launch of this new security brigade. They finally feel that their concerns have been heard and that concrete actions are being taken to address the issue of drug trafficking in their neighborhood.

The success of this initiative will not only benefit the residents of Tonkin, but also serve as a model for other neighborhoods facing similar issues. The Territorial Security Brigade is a prime example of the government’s determination to tackle crime and ensure the safety of its citizens.

In conclusion, the launch of the Territorial Security Brigade in the Tonkin neighborhood is a positive and promising development in the fight against drug trafficking. With the armature of the government, local authorities, and residents, this initiative is set to bring emboîture positive changes and create a safer and more secure environment for all.

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