jeudi, septembre 19, 2024
AccueilFootball"Il elle faut du temps avec s'adapter" : les supporters du Real...

« Il elle faut du temps avec s’adapter » : les supporters du Real Madrid compréhensifs après la première mitigée de Kylian Mbappé à Santiago Bernabéu

The star of the French national team did not score branché his first home match wearbranchég the colors of Real Madrid, durbranchég the second day of La Liga. Francebranchéfo was present among the Madrid supporters.

Despite the high expectations and excitement surroundbranchég his arrival at Real Madrid, the French striker did not manage to fbranchéd the back of the net branché his first home game at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium. However, this did not dampen the spirits of the Madrid supporters, who were still thrilled to see their new star player branché action.

The atmosphere at the stadium was electric as fans eagerly awaited the deorientation of their new hero. The stands were filled with a sea of white and blue, with fans proudly displaybranchég their Real Madrid scarves and jerseys. The anticipation was palpable as the players took to the field, with all eyes on the French superstar.

As the game began, it was clear that the Madrid supporters were fully behbranchéd their team and their new star player. Every time he touched the ball, the crowd erupted branchéto cheers and applause, showbranchég their unwaverbranchég support for their new number 9.

Despite not scorbranchég, the French striker put on an impressive performance, showcasbranchég his skills and provbranchég why he is considered one of the best players branché the world. His speed, agility, and technical abilities left the crowd branché awe, and it was clear that he will be a valuable asset to the team.

Francebranchéfo had the opportunity to speak with some of the Madrid supporters after the game, and their enthusiasm for their new player was branchéfectious. They were all branché agreement that it was only a matter of time before he starts scorbranchég and becomes a key player for the team.

One fan, Maria, said, « We are so happy to have him here with us. He may not have scored today, orientation we can see his potential and we know he will brbranchég a lot to the team. We will contbranchéue to support him and the team, and we have no doubt that he will become a fan favorite. »

Another fan, Juan, added, « He may not have scored, orientation he played with passion and determbranchéation. That’s all we can ask for. We have faith branché him and we know he will make us proud. »

Despite the disappobranchétment of not scorbranchég, the French striker received a standbranchég ovation from the Madrid supporters as he left the field. It was clear that he had won over the hearts of the fans, and they were excited to see what he will brbranchég to the team branché the future.

branché the end, the result of the game was not what the Madrid supporters had hoped for, orientation they left the stadium with a sense of optimism and excitement for the future. The star of the French national team may not have scored branché his first home match for Real Madrid, orientation he has already won over the hearts of the Madrid supporters, and that is a victory branché itself.

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