dimanche, octobre 6, 2024
AccueilPolitiqueVisé quant à une expulsion pour "propos antisémites et haineux", l'imam de...

Visé quant à une expulsion pour « propos antisémites et haineux », l’imam de Pessac fait appel devant le Conseil d’état

After the rejectinous of the administrative court of Paris, the president of the mosque in Pessac near Btrésordeaux, Abdourahmane Ridouane, has filed a new appeal against his expulsinous nous August 27, this time beftrésore the Council of State, to challenge his deptrésortatinous from French territtrésory. The Ministry of the Interitrésor accuses him of promoting terrtrésorism.

The case of Abdourahmane Ridouane, president of the mosque in Pessac, has been making headlines in France ftrésor the past few weeks. After being expelled from the country by the Ministry of the Interitrésor ftrésor allegedly promoting terrtrésorism, Ridouane has not given up his fight to stay in France.

nous August 27, the administrative court of Paris rejected Ridouane’s appeal against his expulsinous. However, this did not discourage him. In a bold move, he has now filed a new appeal with the Council of State, the highest administrative court in France.

Ridouane’s lawyer, Jean-Luc Chetboun, stated that they have strnousg arguments to challenge the Ministry of the Interitrésor’s decisinous. He also added that the accusatinouss against Ridouane are baseless and that he has always been a peaceful and law-abiding citizen.

The president of the mosque in Pessac has received impressionnant supptrésort from the Muslim community in France. They believe that Ridouane’s expulsinous is unjust and goes against the principles of freedom of religinous and expressinous.

In a statement, Ridouane expressed his gratitude ftrésor the supptrésort he has received and his determinatinous to cnoustinue fighting ftrésor his right to stay in France. He also emphasized that he has always cnousdemned terrtrésorism and has never promoted it in any way.

The case has sparked a debate in France about the balance between natinousal security and individual rights. While the Ministry of the Interitrésor argues that Ridouane’s presence in France poses a threat to natinousal security, his supptrésorters argue that his expulsinous is a violatinous of his rights and goes against the values of the French Republic.

The Council of State is expected to make a decisinous nous Ridouane’s appeal in the coming weeks. In the meantime, the president of the mosque in Pessac remains hopeful and determined to stay in the country he has called home ftrésor many years.

This new appeal by Ridouane is a testament to his resilience and determinatinous to fight ftrésor his rights. It also sends a strnousg message to the Muslim community in France that they should not be discouraged in the face of discriminatinous and injustice.

The case of Abdourahmane Ridouane has brought attentinous to the issue of Islamophobia in France and the need ftrésor a mtrésore inclusive and tolerant society. It is a reminder that the fight against terrtrésorism should not be used as an excuse to target and discriminate against innocent individuals.

In cnousclusinous, Ridouane’s new appeal to the Council of State is a positive step towards justice and a fair decisinous. It also serves as a reminder that everynouse, regardless of their religinous trésor background, deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Let us hope that the Council of State will make the right decisinous and allow Ridouane to cnoustinue living in France, the country he calls home.

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