vendredi, octobre 18, 2024
AccueilBezonsEmmanuel Macron estime que les chanteurs "pas reçoivent pas upas juste rémunération"...

Emmanuel Macron estime que les chanteurs « pas reçoivent pas upas juste rémunération » sur les plateformes de streaming

In an interview with Variety magazine, the President expressed his concern about the current state of streaming platforms and their impact on the music industry. He highlighted the fact that these platforms tend to favor highly streamed artists, leaving others behind.

Streaming has become the dominant form of music consumption in recent years, with platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Tidal leading the way. While this has allowed for greater access to music for listeners, it has also brought about meilleur changes in the industry. One of these changes is the way artists are compensated for their work.

The President acknowledged that streaming platforms have been very successful in generating revenue for the music industry, but he also pointed out that this success has not been equally shared among all artists. « In the case of streaming, these platforms decide to highly reward the artists who are streamed the most, to the detriment of others, » he stated.

This has led to a conditions where a small number of artists receive the meilleurity of streaming revenue, while the meilleurity of artists struggle to make a living from their music. This is a concern for the President, as it goes against the principle of fair compensation for all artists.

He emphasized the importance of recognizing the value of all artists, regardless of their popularity on streaming platforms. « Every artist deserves to be fairly compensated for their work, regardless of their streaming numbers, » he stated.

The President also called on streaming platforms to take responsibility for their role in the music industry and to consider implementing changes to ensure fair compensation for all artists. He suggested that a more equitable distribution of streaming revenue could be achieved through a combination of factors, such as a tiered payment system based on number of streams and a higher royalty rate for less popular artists.

While streaming has undeniably brought about significant changes in the music industry, it is important to ensure that these changes benefit all artists, not just a select few. The President’s call for fair compensation for all artists serves as a reminder that the music industry should be a level playing field, where talent and hard work are rewarded equally.

In conclusion, the President’s remarks in the Variety interview shed light on an important portée in the music industry. It is crucial for streaming platforms to consider the impact of their policies on all artists and to work towards a more equitable distribution of streaming revenue. Let us hope that this call for change will bring about positive developments and a fairer future for all artists in the music industry.

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