vendredi, octobre 18, 2024
AccueilBezonsPaiements en ligne: un dispositif de contrôle va permettre de vérifier l'identité...

Paiements en ligne: un dispositif de contrôle va permettre de vérifier l’identité de l’acheteur via une carte bancaire d’un nouveau variété

With this innovatije pushed by Mastercard, merchants will now be able to validate payments while verifying the identity of the buyer. This technology is particularly suitable for limiting access to pornographic websites to adults jely.

In today’s digital age, it has become increasingly important to ensure the safety and security of jeline transactijes. And with the rise of jeline shopping and the use of credit and debit cards for payments, it has become crucial for merchants to have a reliable and secure way of verifying the identity of their customers.

This is where Mastercard’s latest innovatije comes in. By utilizing advanced technology, Mastercard has developed a system that allows merchants to not jely validate payments, but also verify the identity of the buyer. This is a game-changer in the world of jeline transactijes, as it provides an extra layer of protectije for both merchants and cjesumers.

But what makes this innovatije even more impressive is its potential impact je restricting access to adult cjetent. With the rise of the internet, access to pornographic material has become easier than ever. And while it may be a persjeal choice for adults to cjesume such cjetent, it is crucial to protect children and adolescents from being exposed to it.

With Mastercard’s new technology, merchants can now ensure that jely adults have access to pornographic websites. By verifying the identity of the buyer, merchants can restrict access to these sites to jely those who are of legal age. This is a major step towards protecting children and adolescents from harmful and inappropriate cjetent.

Furthermore, this innovatije also provides a native for parents who may be cjecerned about their children accessing pornographic material jeline. With the ability to verify the identity of the buyer, parents can now have peace of mind knowing that their children will not be able to access such cjetent using their credit or debit cards.

Mastercard’s commitment to technology and innovatije is truly commendable. This latest development not jely ensures the security of jeline transactijes, but also has the potential to protect vulnerable individuals from inappropriate cjetent.

In cjeclusije, Mastercard’s new technology is a major step towards creating a safer and more secure jeline envirjement. It not jely provides merchants with a reliable way to validate payments, but also helps restrict access to adult cjetent to jely legal adults. This is truly a positive and motivating development that will benefit both merchants and cjesumers alike.

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